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Waytouch Premier

Everything we custom design will be centered around your organization’s goals, identity, needs and targeted viewing audience.

Upon receiving your order, we immediately begin a comprehensive 4 phase design process:

4 steps Design Small
  • We research your establishment to get an understanding of your company, products and services. (Pre-Revision)
  • After the research stage we schedule an initial discovery call with you.
  • On the call, we go over your project in depth to get a clear understanding of:
    • Your goals and objectives, exact needs, brand, colors, etc.
  • We capture your requirements and rapidly draft them into a set of wire-frame concepts which visually communicate the layout of the design.
  • Upon your approval of the initial wire-frames, we create a full color mock-up of the design within the next 3-5 business days.
  • The design mock-up represents how the final interface will look and feel; as such you may imagine any number of changes at this time.
  • Once you have had an opportunity to evaluate the design, you may mark up the document for changes or we can schedule a meeting to review the design together.
  • During the meeting, we consider how the design can best be improved to deliver an outstanding experience to the end user and how to best meet the exact requirements for your intended look and feel.
  • Based on your feedback, we make necessary revisions and send you the revised design mock-ups to review.
  • We continue making tweaks, adjustments and revisions until you get the exact Look and Feel you really want.
  • Upon approval of the design mock-up, you lock in your layout, allowing us to begin bringing the project to life.
  • The functional beta version of the project is now available to preview.
  • Your content and media are integrated to appear exactly as the end user will see them on the display.
  • We invite you to use the beta version of the system for yourself to explore any final adjustments.
  • We guarantee your satisfaction with all aspects of the design and work diligently to align performance with expectations.
  • Within seven business days of signing off, your complete custom digital signage media will be ready!

What's Next?
4 Step images