Waytouch Premier™ Arena & Stadium Wayfinding
- The Right solution to improve wayfinding and promote events.
- Precision turn-by-turn directions to any location in your facility.
- Fosters an immersive experience by displaying high-impact ads.
- Maximize sales by spotlighting food and beverage specials.
- Easy content updates and management using your iPhone!
- Only available here custom built, tested, and turnkey.
- Ships ready to use.
The Waytouch Premier™ is a state-of-the-art digital signage wayfinding system. It’s 3D Maps provide turn-by-turn directions and visual aids to help visitors locate seat sections, restrooms, and other amenities throughout the facility. Enhance your system by adding interactive concession food and beverage menus, advertisements, social media feeds, promotions of upcoming arena events, and more!
• Built-In keyboard for quick and easy destination is searching.
• Directions automatically are generated once a destination is selected.
• ‘You Here Icon’ map icon with turn by turn directional arrows.
• All directions are based on shortest path & ease of accessibility (Smart Pathway Algorithm)
• Directions can be chosen to be sent to a mobile device via text message or email.
• Plus choose from over 30+ features to enhance your wayfinding system.
What’s Included?
You will receive an out-of-the-box ready to use solution. It will ship preloaded with your facility map with directions, custom content, software, and media player. Tell us the features you need then we will custom develop, test and set up everything for you.
When completed we will ship you a ready to use system that simply works:
• Waytouch Premier™ Wayfinding Digital Signage Software
• All-Inclusive Creative Design & Content Creation
• Industry's Only Digital Signage Design Guarantee
• 1 Floor 3D Map with up to 50 Destination Point Directions
• Digital Signage Media Player w/ HDMI Cable
• Cloud-Based Digital Signage Content Management (WI-FI)
• Full Training, Set-Up & Configuration
• 12 Month Technical Support
• Live Dedicated Support Specialist
*Note: additional per floor maps and destination points can be purchased separately.
Product Instructions:
It is 4 Easy Steps.
1. Place order.
2. We will then setup everything for you and ship you a total solution.
3. Connect the Waytouch Premier™ Media Player to your display or kiosk and WI-FI.
4. Turn it on and you are done! The software with content will automatically load.
When placing your order simply let us know which features you would like and our graphics design team will creatively incorporate everything you need into the digital signs interface. Remember, you can select as many features as you’d like and you’ll always receive the same flat-rate price from us. We do not bill by sets of features, by "slides" or design time.
What the combination of features would like to incorporate into the displays interface?
Use Your iPhone To Update Daily Messaging and Other Media
This easy to use digital signage content management platform is ideal for users that have no graphic design capabilities and simply want to update media zones easily.
Average users master content management within 15 minutes! No drawn out webinar to attend.
• Edit all text and image zones
• Upload images right from your desktop
• Update media albums with video, powerpoint, and images
• Manage events, meetings, and other calendar events
• Create user groups for privilege control
• Remote access from any device, at any time
• Free to use cloud-based content manager
How does Google Drive Content Management work?
Using our Proprietary Publisher Pro Digital Signage software, we integrate every media and text zone with Google Drive.
This integration leverages the power of our all-in-one platform while eliminating the need for annual SaaS fees.
• Our software auto resizes every image and video you upload. No graphic design needed.
• All images sent to a media zone will be adjusted to fit perfectly inside the zone.
• All text updates you input are auto-optimized to match the font size, color, and style.
• Every change you make is wirelessly pushed to the display within minutes.
• Multi-User / Multi Admin control levels are available.
Google Drive is mentioned as a content sync location. Is this an account that our organization would need to create or is this accessing a vendor's account?
We will create the Google account for end-user and sync it with our software.
When the display is installed, we will provide Google information plus train end-user how to use.
Do the clients call to anything else outside of our firewall besides Google Drive?
Only if end-user request stream of information that requires internet connections.
An example of streams: weather forecast and daily news feeds.
For Network Load, is the content just pulled from the Google Drive location one time, cached locally, then stream it?
Correct all content is locally cached on the media player.
Is it reloaded on a regular interval, if so what is the frequency?
Content update interval time can be set per customer request.
What is the maximum file size that is supported?
• Documents: Up to 1.02 million characters. If you convert a text document to Google Docs format, it can be up to 50 MB.
• Spreadsheets: Up to 2 million cells for spreadsheets that are created in or converted to Google Sheets.
• Presentations: Up to 100 MB for presentations converted to Google Slides.
What file types are supported?
General files
• Audio formats (MP3, MPEG, WAV, .ogg)
• Image files (.JPEG, .PNG, .GIF, .BMP)
• Text files (.TXT)
• Video files (WebM, .MPEG4, .3GPP, .MOV, .AVI, .MPEGPS, .WMV, .FLV, .ogg)
Microsoft files
• Excel (.XLS and .XLSX)
• PowerPoint (.PPT and .PPTX)
• Word (.DOC and .DOCX)
• XML Paper Specification (.XPS)
Industry's Only 100% Digital Signage Design Satisfaction Guarantee
We guarantee you that your system’s content, design, and layout will meet your exact expectations.
• No strings attached, no hidden costs, no additional charges for ‘design time’.
• All requested features will be properly incorporated.
• Your branding requirements accurately executed.